
Some links from friends!.

You can find links of some of my friends here! (ordered randomly).

Yiteng Peng: → cs Ph.D @ HKUST.

Shubo Li: → statis Ph.D @ PSU.

Zihan Dong: → statis Ph.D @ Rugters.

Yuzhu Chen: → EE M.S. @ USTC.

Bingrui Song: → EE Ph.D @ PKU.

Jiarui Liu: → physics Ph.D @ UC, Berkeley.

Lantian Xue: earch science undergraduate @ USTC, SCGY .

Yuehen Bao: → math Ph.D @ University of Toronto.

Shihan Cheng: → cs Ph.D @ Vanderbilt University.

Kaihao Jing: → statis Ph.D @ UC, Berkeley.

Keshu Zhou: → math Ph.D @ UC, Berkeley.

Anlun Li: → math Ph.D @ NUS.